11 March 2008

Janice's Mean Adobo

Colleague and fellow mountaineer Janice has always been great company in our treks because of her enthusiasm. Plus, she makes a mean adobo! She usually cooks this the day before, because we expect everyone to be quite tired by lunchtime after walking most of the morning, so rice is cooked and the adobo heated.

Adobo is a mountaineering staple because meat cooked this way lasts longer, and retains its yummy taste even after reheating. Janice shares her recipe in making her mean adobo.


Pangsakutsa (for saute'):
1 medium onion, chopped not minced
1 bulb crushed garlic
1 ginger, sliced into thin strips
olive oil

half a kilo chicken meat (Janice recommends any part except breast, which has the least taste)
half a kilo liempo (pork belly), with a generous amount of fat

Soy Sauce
whole peppercorns, 1 sachet
Laurel leaves, 1 sachet

(1) In a pan, saute ginger in olive oil until golden brown
(2) Add the garlic and onions
(3) When the onions become partly translucent, add the chicken meat and mix. The chicken will then be releasing its water content. Mix til the water evaporates and the chicken starts to fry.
(4) Add pork. Mix again until pork releases its oils and meat starts to fry.
(5) Pour in vinegar and soy sauce. The ratio is 1:1. The quantity depends on your taste, but for a simple guideline about half a cup of each will do.
(6) Add the peppercorns
(7) Cover and bring to a boil over medium fire for about 10 to 15 minutes. Do not stir. At this stage, the soy sauce and vinegar will be absorbed by the meat.
(8) Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup water, depending on how "wet" or "dry" you want your adobo to be.
(9) Cover and bring to a boil under medium heat and occasionally check until meat is tender using a fork pierced through the pork.
(10) Add salt to taste.
(11) Put in laurel leaf.
(12) Remove from fire and it's ready to serve!

If you want your adobo to be sticky, simply turn up the fire to its maximum level for about 5 minutes after putting in the laurel leaf. Remove from fire and serve!

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