25 October 2008

Fish n' Chips

There are times here in New Zealand when you either just don't have the time to cook a proper dinner, or don't feel like cooking at all. Times like that isn't a bit of a problem back in the Philippines; our love for food is not only abundantly displayed on nearly every turn of the street, our fast food restaurants even serve at least 4 times more variety than their counterparts elsewhere.

Take for example, my squeal of delight at seeing McDonalds in our second day here at Wellington. I made a beeline for the counter, my order already listed in my mind. 2 pieces McChicken with rice, extra rice, Happy meal for Jo-Lo (he likes spaghetti!), and waiting for my wife's order. But my confidence in fast food law and order was suddenly shattered when I stared at the overhead menu. Burgers, burgers, and more burgers. And fries. No chicken (save for those chicken tenders), no spaghetti, no rice. Aaargh.

So what other option is there for a quick dinner fix? Fish n' chips. There's quite a number of fish n' chips stores in the area. For $2.50, you can have a battered fish fillet good for one, and for $2.30 a load of french fries (a.k.a. chips) for 3.

I'm not yet ready to give up my rice diet, though, so fish n' chips nights will be on a per-need basis.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, can't imagine w/o rice! Mahal ba ang rice jan? hehehe.. Hope you could feature food delicacies of New Zealand.
