27 February 2009

Tuna pasta freestyle

From now on, I will stop calling my food experiments "experiments" because when I call these as such, these sound hazardous to the health! :-) Instead, I will call these Freestyle. More adventurous and catchy, don't you think?

So on with our story of the Tuna Pasta freestyle...

We still have a 500g pasta bag in the cupboard and so I decided to forego rice for lunch and cook up half of the pasta and rummage whatever is in the kitchen to mix with canned tuna. This recipe thus consists of the following:
250g pasta
1/2 tomato, chopped
1/2 capsicum, chopped
(I figured that since I was using half of the pasta bag, I might as well use half of the other ingredients as well.)
1 canned tuna in oil (this one I did not cut in half!)
3 cloves garlic, chopped
salt and pepper to taste

Cook pasta as per package directions. Drain and cool.

Heat up pan over medium heat. Pour oil from canned tuna onto pan.

Bad move! The oil sputtered and splattered all over the stove surface before it calmed down when I add the chopped garlic in.

Cook the garlic for about a minute. Then toss in the tomatoes, followed by the capsicum a short while later.

Plop the tuna into the pan and mix it up. Remove from the fire after a couple more minutes.

Pour tuna mixture over the pasta and mix it up.

Very easy, isn't it? I thought it tasted nice.

And what did my wife think about it? "It needs more salt", she said, but proceeded to eat anyways. :-)

I would have added bits of basil but we still did not have the plant when I cooked the pasta. At least, I still have the remaining 250g left for another freestyle!

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  1. i actually just posted a recipe i tried in my blog, Tuna Noodle Casserole. it was really good. i love pasta with tuna! i'm looking forward to trying your recipe one of these days. :)

  2. unetableforfour: thanks for dropping by my blog! Hope you like my freestyle recipe!
