23 February 2010

Blueberry sauce

We still had a substantial quantity of blueberries left from the muffin recipe and so we decided to make a quick and easy blueberry sauce which we can use to jazz up ice cream. This recipe is so easy to make, and you can also use this procedure for strawberries.

2 cups fresh blueberries
1/3 cup sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


Wash the blueberries, then crush. I like to still have bits of blueberries that I can bite on however, so I left some chunky bits on it. Add the sugar and lemon juice. Mix well.

Bring mixture to a boil in a saucepan, then continue boiling for a minute. Lower the heat if needed (mixture can tend to overflow when boiling). Remove from heat, then add vanilla. Then pour into a jar to cool.

Pour over vanilla ice cream and serve! Use the sauce within a week.

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  1. That is healthy stuff... I mean the blueberries ! ;-)

  2. Sidney: hahaha. Well... they blueberries even out the ice cream?
