01 December 2010

Turon with mango

We spent a couple of afternoons looking for canned langka (jackfruit) which we were going to use for turon, as the banana plantains I have placed in the heater cabinet has turned a bright yellow, perfect timing for the weekend.  Unfortunately we could not find any, and the bananas were rearing to go.  Another week and we'll be looking at overripe stuff.  So from out of the blue I picked up canned mango instead.  The result: mushy sweetness within the crunchy pastry!  It's quite good, although I still think nothing beats langka with turon.  Still, this is a good alternative if you want to jazz up your turon and langka is not available.


4-5 ripe banana plantains, sliced lengthwise into three pieces.  Makes 12-15 pieces turon
1 can canned mango.
spring roll pastry wrapper
brown sugar in a bowl
a small saucer of water
cooking oil

Drain mango slices, then slice into strips.  Careful though, the mango is quite delicate.  I imagine our ripe, fresh mangoes can do just as well.  Fresh is even better, as it is not as delicate and wet.

Coat the banana slice with brown sugar.  Then lay this on the wrapper a third of the way.  Place some mango slices on top.

Fold the wrapper on top of the banana mango slice, then fold the two sides over it.  Roll the fruit slices through to the end.  Wet the edge of the wrapper with water, then seal.

Heat up the cooking oil over medium heat.  Cook both sides until brown.  Serve hot (optional: with vanilla ice cream on the side!)

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