19 August 2011


My good friend Marissa Acain commented on Facebook about my Sinukmani / Biko blog post and included a procedure for making latik, that traditional topping whose name escaped me when I was writing the article.

Here is her comment:

My aunt makes a mean biko, frequently requested by teachers and students. She uses brown sugar as a substitute to palm sugar. For added flavor and aroma she puts a few drops of vanilla extract. Latik ang tawag sa topping ng biko. It's made from boiling the coconut milk until the oil separates and what's left is the brown latik. For the latik you need kakang gata (first extraction), she can't say how much you will need for a kilo of biko. Depende kasi sa availability ng niyog...
In a kawali / talyase, let the kakang gata simmer, this takes time, we normally do this kasabay ng pagsaing ng malagkit (at the same time the glutinous rice is being cooked). When the oil starts to separate from the latik, stir occassionally so it wont stick to the bottom of the pan. When the latik is dark brown in color and firm to touch you can remove it from its oil using a slotted spoon. To spread the biko/sinukmani on to the bilao, you can use a piece of banana leaf dipped on the coco oil, it makes it easier to spread and wont stick to your fingers. Then top the biko / sinukmani with the latik.
Thank you so much Marissa!  Wish I can also have the opportunity to try out your aunt's biko!