25 April 2012

The best brownies in the world

One weekend we had a simple get-together at home and as is the custom, guests bring something to share.  There was nothing really planned, it was just one of those days when the sun is out but we do not have any intention to go out, and so we do the next best thing: a get-together.

Our simple gathering became a tad more exciting when Tita Cacay arrived with a block of the most awesome brownies I have ever set my eyes on.  And this is not an exaggeration.   The top was glistening, so I knew it was a yummy crunchy crust.  And the sides revealed a gooey layer sandwiched between the crust and the bread base.

Both kids and grown-ups trooped to the table as manageable sizes were served.  Vanilla ice cream was also available to those who want to make this even more special.

This is truly a heavenly treat for chocolate lovers.

Best of all, these brownies are easy to make and take under an hour to make.  The recipe?  Tita Cacay was only too happy to share.


  1. Those brownies look so fabulous, indeed! I can't stop looking at them!

  2. Have you tried making it yet? So irresistible!
