16 May 2012

Zingy Lemon Crunch and Vanilla Semifredo

I admit, I haven't been to the kitchen lately.  I'm doing more eating these days than trying out recipes (or asking my wife for some).  Plus, I realize that I have forgotten some of the ukulele chords so I have been trying to devote some time to the ukulele... after a yummy dinner with the family, and after playing with adorable Christine, and after reading/spelling/maths with Jo-Lo, and after watching my favourite TV shows... there just isn't enough time between coming home and calling it a night!

One good thing though that came out of watching TV was seeing Jax make this amazingly simple desert recipe that I want to try out one of these weekends.  Video above!  And if the video is not available in your part of the world, there is a "print" equivalent of the recipe.  Enjoy!

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