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22 July 2012

Weekend Market at Johnsonville

About a year ago, there was rumour of a weekend market being planned at the mall's parking area.  We excitedly waited for news of this actually happening, but it never did.  Having a weekend market at Johnsonville was, I believe, a viable activity because of its accessibility from the neighbouring regions (Newlands, Churton Park, Paparangi, etc).  And who wouldn't want fresh veggies and fruits at a competitive price?

So when our friend Cory advised us last weekend that a fruit and veggies market was opening at Johnsonville School, we were a bit skeptic.  But a couple of hours later she said she's just been there and there were lots of goods on offer at really good prices.  We could not go at that time however on account of the weather, but winter has been kind today and so we were able to visit this morning.

17 July 2012

For the kids in Ulingan

Dear friends,

Do you have good quality kids' stuff you no longer need?

Please consider donating these items for the kids at Ulingan.

We are trying to collect items which we can send to the kids (in behalf of Project Pearls) in time for Christmas:
  • toys (not battery operated please) 
  • children’s books (pages/cover intact, no scribbles) 
  • clean clothing (suitable for Manila climate)

06 July 2012

Fruit kebab

Surprisingly, one of the easiest thing to prepare in my son's birthday party was easily one of the most popular.  The kids loved it; a colourful and naturally sweet concoction that's also a healthy treat.  So the next time there's a party coming up, why don't you try making this too?