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27 November 2012



Pinakbet is one of those dishes that taste great when immediately served, and tastes even better the following day as the flavours become more intense. Traditionally, ampalaya (bitter gourd) is also added. But for those who are not fans of this bitter treat, leaving this out still makes for a great pinakbet. I personally love ampalaya but we could not find some in time for this recipe.

Total time: 1 hour

  • 2 tablespoons alamang (shrimp paste)
  • 1 large eggplant, chopped and quartered
  • 1 small or half of a medium squash, chopped into wedges
  • 1 bunch string beans (sitaw), cut into 2-inch strings
  • as needed water
  • 1/2 kg pork liempo, chopped into small pieces
  • as needed cooking oil
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic, skin removed and chopped
Cooking Directions

  1. Place pork bits on heavy-bottomed pan with water submerging it halfway through. Let boil over medium heat, mixing occasionally until all water has evaporated.
  2. Set aside pork, add a bit of cooking oil and saute onion and garlic
  3. Add alamang ang mix
  4. Add squash and string beans, mix, lower heat to medium-low and cover.
  5. When squash is soft (can be pierced with a fork but still with a bit of resistance), add eggplant.
  6. Leave for a couple more minutes or until the eggplant is cooked.
  7. Serve hot.

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