05 June 2013

Penne with Cherry Tomatoes, Leeks and Bacon

When my wife picked up a bottle of Chardonnay, Penne (a cylindrical type of pasta), leeks and cherry tomatoes - things that are not normally part of our grocery list - I knew something was up.  She then revealed that we was inspired by Rachel Ray's pasta recipe, and she would like to give it a try.

The result is a hearty pasta that is definitely a nice change from the usual.  (Note that our procedure may differ from Rachael Ray's)

500 g Penne pasta
olive oil
1 bottle of Chardonnay - you do not actually need the entire bottle, just a splash will do.  But this is an excuse to bring out the bottle with the pasta!
3 packs cherry tomatoes
2 medium leeks, chopped and thoroughly washed clean
1 pack bacon
a sprig of fresh thyme, chopped
grated cheese
salt and pepper to taste

Cook the pasta as per product directions.

Chop up the bacon and cook with olive oil over medium heat in a thick-bottomed pot.

When the bacon is  lightly browned, add the leeks and mix.

After about a minute, add the cherry tomatoes and continue mixing occasionally.  When the cherry tomatoes soften and start to burst, help it along by crushing them up.  This will release the yummy tomato juices.

Next, add a splash of Chardonnay and the fresh thyme.  Cover and simmer for a couple of minutes.

Mix and sprinkle salt and pepper to taste.

Add this to the bowl with the pasta and top with grated cheese.  Mix thoroughly.

Serve this dish warm... and with a bottle of Chardonnay to enjoy!

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